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點擊次數:1570  更新時間:2017-06-13







    4、解決拉力機方案是檢查計算機與試驗機的通訊線是否脫落;檢查聯機選擇傳感器是否選擇正確;檢查拉力機zui近的試驗或操作鍵盤時拉力機傳感器是否被撞過; 電腦試驗機檢查出現問題之前是否使用了軟件的校準或標定功能;檢查電腦拉力試驗機是否手動更改過校準值、拉力機標定值或硬件參數中的其他信息




Electronic universal testing machine, the main power supply, but the equipment can not move up and down.
Removal method:
Check whether the 15S device is also unable to move, because the host need to boot self-test, about 15S time; check whether the upper and lower limit to the appropriate location to run a certain space; the power supply voltage is normal check access testing machine. There may be other problems, which need to be explored and solved in our daily life.
2, universal test machine host power supply is not bright, and equipment can not move up and down.
Removal method:
Power line inspection access testing machine is connected properly; check the emergency stop switch is in screwed state; the power supply voltage check access universal tensile testing machine is normal; check the machine on the socket insurance is burned off, remove the spare fuse can be installed.
3, universal test machine host power supply is not bright, and can not move up and down. To solve the tension scheme is power line access testing machine is connected properly; check the emergency stop switch is in screwed state; the power supply voltage check access test machine is normal; check the machine on the socket insurance is burned off, remove the spare fuse can be installed.
4, to solve the universal tensile machine is a communication line and check the computer testing machine is off; check whether to choose the correct choice of sensor on-line inspection; tensile machine recent test or keyboard when tension sensor is knocked over; check the computer is using a universal testing machine appears software calibration or calibration function before check; computer testing machine to manually change the calibration value, tensile machine calibration value or other information in the hardware parameters


  • 材料試驗機universal material testing machine; universal testing machine
  • 上下移動reciprocate
  • 無法移動irremovability
  • 上下限bound
  • 試驗機tester; testing machine
  • 電源電壓supply voltage
  • 不斷地constantly; continuously; continually; ceaselessly; endlessly
  • 試驗機universal test(ing) machine
  • 電源線路power circuit
  • 拉力試驗機universal tensile testing machine

主營儀器:電壓擊穿試驗儀,介電擊穿強度試驗儀 ,耐電壓強度擊穿試驗儀,電子拉力試驗機,TOC分析儀

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